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💖Mark & Jacinta 🐟 👓 🌺 🐠 Happy Anniversary 🦀 🌞 👙 🌺 🍹 🐠🦀1-31-2009!🏄🐟🌺👓🍹

Updated: Aug 17

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💛 💙 💜 💚 "2022" 💛 💙 💜 💚 💛

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🏄 This is amazing... WOW! 🏄

'Celebration Cruise' - "13th" Anniversary ! ...The Messina's Mark having the time of his life on the cruise! "3-2022"

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"March 2022"

Mark Messina - 💖 🐟 👓 🦀 🐠 Boogie Boarding ! !

🐠 🐟 🌸 👒 🌴 🌞 🌈 🍻 🍸 🍹 👙 🍤 🍧 🏄 🍹 🐠 🐟 👙 👒 🌴

From: JACINTA MESSINA ! ...PLAY VIDEO ! 👉 Click 'right side box' above! for "FULL SCREEN"

🌞 🌈 🍻 🍸 🍹 🍷 🍤 🍧 👓 🌺 🏄 🍹 🐠 🐟 🌸 👒👓 🌺 🏄 🍹 🐠 🐟 🌸 👒👓 🌺 🦀 🍹 "March 2022"🌺 🦀 🍹 🐠 🐟 🌸 👒 👙 🌴 🌞 🍻 🍸 🍹 👙 🍤 🍧 👓 🌺 🍹 🐠 🐟 🌸 👒 🌴 🌞 🌈 🍻 🍸 🍹 🍷

"" 13th' Anniversary Cruise "" !!!!

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WOW! This is amazing... "BUNNY & HARRY" are definitely 'rolling around in the clouds' with "joy & laughter" at this one! lol! 🦀 😘 Hahahaha !! ...Too Cool MARK! - Bernadette ==========🍸 🍹 🍷========== 💜 💚 💛 💙

That was awesome! ...Happy "13th" Anniversary Mark and Cindy!

Teri 👒 ============🍸 🍹 🍷==============

Wow. That was Awesome! It looks like a lot of Fun. Happy Anniversary to the Best Couple Ever🥰 Regina Marini 2021 👙

💛 💙 💜 ============🍸 🍹 🍷============== 💛 💙 💜

WOW! What a ride!! 🌴 Susan McE - 2021

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OH! Canada! 10-6-2022

👓 🏄 🍹

With Gina & Frankie 👓

on a cruise!

we need to do this as a family !

...It would be so cool !

🍻 🌸 🍹 🍷 🍤 👙 👓 🏄 🍹


I’m ready ! ...I’ll even plan it ,

my vote is Alaska ! ! JACINTA MESSINA 👓

🐠 🐟 🌸 👒 🌴 🌈 🍻 🍸 🍹

🍧 🍤 👓

OH! Canada! 👆


💖 🍤 🐠 🐟 🦀

💖 🐟 👙 👓 🌺 🐠 💋 ...💍 ...🎵...🍹...🎶...💕

🦀 🐟 👓 🌺 🐠

💖 🐟 👓 🌺 🐠  ❤️  Click on any photo to enlarge to "FULL SIZE" & click thru each to view    ❤️

💖 🐟 👓 🌺 🐠

🦀 💖 🐟 👓 🌺 🐠 🦀

...Happy Anniversary from Mark! : 👓

I just want to say Happy Anniversary to my lovely bride, tell her how much I love her and share with all that I am the luckiest guy in the world. For those who do not know, Jacinta and I were to marry 31 January 1987. Eleven days before the wedding, we called it off and never spoke for 20 years. I called her out of the blue to apologize for the way things were left. She still lived in Delaware and I was in New Hampshire. We began to call each other everyday and spoke for hours at a time, until she decided to fly up to see if there was still a spark. When I picked her up at the airport, I felt as if I was transported back to 1984 when we first met. Instantly, I feel in love all over again. About a year later, she sold her house, quit her job, left her family and life long friends and moved to New Hampshire. She did not have children and at the age of 50, she became a Mom for the first time. She fully accepted my daughter, Marquis, who has Down Syndrome and my gay son, John. She sacrificed all to become a family in 2009. We wed at Hampton Beach on the same day that we were suppose to 22 years prior and the four of us jumped into the frigid waters of the Atlantic Ocean the next day in support of the Special Olympics fundraiser, the Penguin Plunge. As you can tell, she is a very special person. I was lucky to have met her, but even luckier that she came back into my life. On 9/1/2014, I was paralyzed from the chest down from a horrific trucking accident. Jacinta has been by side from day one learning everything she could to take care of me, maximize my recovery and adapt to a new normalcy. It has not been an easy road as we were away from family for months during rehabilitation, had to stay in a hotel for 14 months upon our return home while we sold our house and had a new one built in an entirely different part of the state. Jacinta was able to do all of this and take care of Marquis and I along with fighting the insurance company every step of the way. Because I have had many unfortunate things happen to me in my lifetime, many friends, family and even Jacinta think that I am pretty unlucky. I disagree. I have much to be grateful for and I consider that lucky. Even though I am a paraplegic, I am the luckiest man in the world not only to have Jacinta Schauber Messina in my life, but also to call her my wife and to have her by my side for this crazy ride. Jacinta, I love you always and in all ways. I got you, Babe and Baby, you got me. .... Happy Anniversary to my lovely bride!

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🐠 🐟 👓 🍤 🌸 👒 🌴 🌞 🌈 🦀 🍸 👓 🍹 🍷 Jacinta, I love you always and in all ways. I got you, Babe and Baby, you got me. 🦀 👙 👓🦀 🍤 🍧 🦀 👓 🍤 🍹 🐠 🐟 🌸 👒 🌴 👙

For couples so eager to call it quits and throw in the towel on your relationship because everything isn't 'perfect' is some food for thought. Lifelong commitment is not what most people think it is. It's not waking up every morning to make breakfast and eat together. It's not cuddling in bed until both of you fall asleep. It's not a clean home filled with laughter and love making everyday. It's someone who steals all the covers, and snores, it's slammed doors and a few harsh words at times. It's stubbornly disagreeing and giving each other the silent treatment until your hearts heal, and then forgiveness. It's coming home to the same person everyday that you know loves and cares about you in spite of and because of who you are. Its laughing about the "one" time you accidentally did something stupid. It's about dirty laundry and unmade beds. It's about helping each other with the hard work of life. It's about swallowing the nagging words instead of saying them out loud. It's about eating the easiest meal you can make and sitting down together at a late hour because you both had a crazy day. It's a quick smile as you pass each other on the road. It's when you have an emotional day and your love holds you, and tells you everything is going to be OK. And you believe them! It's about still loving someone even though sometimes they make you absolutely insane. Loving someone isn't always easy, sometimes it's hard. But it is amazing and comforting and one of the best things God had in mind for us.

If you are blessed to have a wonderful partner in your life, then copy and paste the above, attach a picture of the two of you, and post it!

Jacinta Messina 💛 💙 💜


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Every person who has been married for a long time to the same person will agree with the following: Marriage isn't for the faint at heart; it's not always pretty. That part about for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, are in the vows for a reason! It's Happily Married Week. If your spouse is still your best friend, works extremely hard, has been with you through triumphs and tragedies, loves you when you’re at your best and worst, is who you're proud to be married to, copy and paste this with the year you were married! 2009 (Jacinta Messina ) 👓

🍤 🍧 🏄 👓 🍤 🍹 🐠 🐟 🌸 👒 🌴 👓👙

From: Regina Marini <>

Date: 11/28/2022 1:07 PM

Subject: Jacinta took a bad fall!

Just wanted to let you know that Jacinta took a spill on the last step while going downstairs around 12:00pm yesterday. We went right to Exeter ER and they put a splint on her then had to to redo the splint. She broke her fibula and tibia in two different places. All fractures in the ankle vicinity. She will need surgery. We need to call Monday.

Ok. We are at the doctors now. Surgery scheduled for Wednesday. I will call you when we get home.

FYI: Just spoke to Mark. Jacinta is doing remarkably well considering. She is scheduled for surgery on Wednesday. Surgeon to put in screws & a plate. No weight bearing for 8 weeks. Oh, she was carrying Christmas decorations down the steps just like she has always done . She is resting. Sounds pretty good . Send best wishes & prayers. 🙏 🙏 🙏


Sent from my iPhone

🍤 🍧 🦀 👓 Date: 11/30/2022 4:52 PM Surgery Wednesday


Thank you guys for all your kindness , support and prayers. Just got home a little while ago and three of the four breaks in my ankle now have screws and or plates and then all is anchored left to right to keep it together hopefully. It is official as of now I am no longer decorating for Christmas! Still can’t believe I missed one step, and all this happened, thank God, Mark and Marquis were home . As of now, my 10 weeks of no weight-bearing on this leg has begun! Let’s go. 👓

WOW! ...what a Year!! "2022"

Finally got my new cast and my third shower in four weeks, almost normal!

Hopefully in another three weeks I will be normal ! 12-17-22

I have been thanking God 🙏all day for letting them take my cast off and put me into a walking boot, not running any marathons yet, but I am so very grateful! But I have no idea how my husband does this , in a wheelchair every day and never complains. He is by far the most amazing person I have ever met, and I love every ounce of him!

Jacinta 1-5-23 👓

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#World Down Syndrome Day !

March 21

3-21-22 Jacinta Messina > wrote:

Mark took his first steps in an "exoxkeleton" today for the first time in "71/2 years" !

FEAT: an achievement that requires great ...courage

...skill or ...strength

..................... March 21st ..........................

On May 5, 2020 at 8:47 AM Nila Stroupe <> wrote:

Thank you for sharing❣ I totally enjoyed this. My cousin had Downs Syndrome and she passed away about a year 1/2 ago. She was diagnosed with the flu and didn't recover. Hope all of you are doing well and have a great day. Nila On Tue, May 5, 2020, 8:41 AM Marini, Regina <> wrote: That was precious! It made my morning. Thanks for the smile. Gina 👈 Click!

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...PLAY VIDEO ! 👉 Click 'right side box' above! for "FULL SCREEN"

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"2022" "What A Year" !! "2022"

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Thank you ,Thank you, thank you ! I can’t believe its been 14 years . Mark said the first 13 were the toughest ! If we had gotten it right the first time it would have been 36 years, thanks again for the kisses and wishes !

love you ...Jacinta! 1-31-23 💕

🍤 🍧 🦀 👓 🍤 🍹 🐠 🐟 🌸 👒 🌴 👓👙

Mark! Jacinta!

I don't think you were 14 yrs. on either side of that 'love' story! I think 'You got it 'right' Now". I Think you are 'exactly where 'You Two' are supposed to be in this moment of time. Bernadette 1-31-23....🎵 🍤 🍧 🦀 👓 👙 🍤 🍹 🐠 🐟 🌸 👒 🌴 👓👙

Happy 14th Anniversary

Frank Schauber Sr. 1-31-23 🐟

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Very Happy Anniversary you guys!

Martin De Leon 1-31-23 👓

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